woman applying Nivea body lotion on her legs

Dry, Itchy & Flaky Legs? Here's What to Do

Discover the best ways to care for dry skin on legs.


Whether you’re meeting friends for drinks or planning a pamper night in, soft and smooth legs always look and feel great. But why do they dry out in the first place? And what can be done to prevent dry skin on legs? Read on to discover a few of NIVEA’s top tips to avoid dry legs.

Why do my legs get dry?

People of all ages can experience dry skin on their legs, and it’s nothing to be worried about. The drying out can be caused by a number of factors, depending on your lifestyle, your overall health, and of course, your moisturising routine. Flaky or dry skin on legs can be itchy and sore if not kept on top of, but thankfully a little bit of selfcare can go a long way to keep your legs looking and feeling great.

woman applying Nivea body lotion
  • Dry or peeling skin: In general, dry skin is nothing to worry about, and can be treated with a range of moisturising creams, lotions or milks. However, if you’ve become burnt from overexposure to the warm sun, you should look for an after sun with aloe vera to cool and repair the skin. In more severe cases of burnt skin, always consult your GP.

  • Cool weather, high winds or low humidity can draw moisture out of your skin, which can cause dry skin, and eczema. But don’t worry, it’s not uncommon for people to experience seasonal eczema.
  • Irritants or allergens like pollen, latex or insect bites can all cause dry skin on the arms and legs. It’s always best to resist the temptation to scratch at damaged skin, and if you think your skin has been irritated by something, a pharmacist will be able to advise.

  • Age: As we get older, our skin’s ability to retain moisture reduces, which can inevitably cause dry skin, particularly on the legs. Which means it’s important to maintain a good moisturising regime to keep skin well hydrated.



What causes dry, itchy skin on legs?

There are several causes of dry, itchy legs, which can occur at any time during the day or night. Some itches may be completely normal and not even worth mentioning, and others may be the result of a skin condition, which can and should be treated with prescribed medicine, courtesy of a pharmacist or GP.  Some of the main causes of dry and itchy legs include:

  • Eczema: A very common type of skin condition, which can present dry and itchy patches of skin. Although some moisturisers can help, it’s always best to speak to your GP if you’re concerned about eczema.

  • Psoriasis: This skin condition can present itself as brittle red or silver scales on the skin, often found on the legs or arms. Although it’s not fully understood what causes psoriasis, a dermatologist or GP will be most qualified to advise on a cream or ointment able to soothe the affected areas.


woman applying cream


Dry skin on the legs that looks like snakeskin, or resembles alligator skin, can be attached to a condition called ichthyosis. There are over 20 different kinds of ichthyosis, and it’s generally attached to a layer of the skin which is unable to retain moisture. If you think this sounds familiar, speak to your GP to see what they can recommend to keep your skin happy and healthy.
woman applying Nivea body cream

Ever wondered why the skin on your knees, calves or elbows is the first to dry out? The skin covering these areas goes through a lot of stretching and contracting every day, which means it has to be a bit thicker to deal with all the extra movement.


And as it’s thicker, it doesn’t produce as much of the body’s natural oil, sebum, responsible for providing moisture to skin and offering a layer of protection against UV rays.

Very hot or very cold weather can also rob your skin of moisture too, as well as some cleansing products you may use in the shower or bath. To keep your knees and elbows soft and smooth, check out NIVEA’s range of repairing body lotions. This includes the NIVEA Repair & Care Body Lotion, perfect for dry legs – made with dexpanthenol and a deep moisture serum that instantly soothes the skin and provides intense hydration for up to 72 hours. 


Although it’s important to wash all areas of the body regularly, overdoing it can dry the skin out. If you find yourself washing your face more than twice a day, you can afford to cut back. 

The same goes for taking care of the skin on your legs. By removing too much of the natural oils, you’ll dry out the skin and need to replace the moisture. On top of using skincare products to rehydrate your skin, there are also some home remedies you can take advantage of:
  • Avoid really hot showers and baths, which can both dry out, or even worse, scald the skin if too warm. Temperatures too high can damage the keratin cells on the outer layer of the skin, which can lead to dry skin.

  • Coconut oil contains natural emollients, which work to hydrate and lubricate your skin cells. When the oil ‘joins-up’ the skin cells, the result is a smoother surface, helping to avoid dry skin.

  • Update your diet to include ingredients which are rich in antioxidants, like blueberries, beans, lentils and carrots.

  • Oatmeal baths are a great way of tackling skin issues, and can offer relief if you’re suffering from some irritation. Make your own oatmeal bath by blending one cup of oatmeal into a fine powder. Add it to lukewarm bath water while the water is still running, stirring occasionally. Then you just have to soak for 15 – 20 mins.

  • Avoid allergens and irritants that you’ve noticed can cause you irritation. Some of the most common allergies are from insects and plants, so be sure to avoid these.
woman with afro-textured hair applying Nivea body lotion

Although it’s important to wash all areas of the body regularly, overdoing it can dry the skin out. 


NIVEA offers both body lotions and body milks, but what’s the difference? In short, it’s all down to the proportion of water to oil. Body lotion contains more water to offer a cooling effect on the skin, whereas body milk is much richer, making it a powerful and effective moisturiser for cracked, damaged or dry skin. Discover the full range of NIVEA Body Lotions and Milks, to find the perfect product for you.