Our Guide to Hairy Arms
Learn how to safely remove hair on your arms and underarms
Should I shave my arms?
In recent years, many women have decided that they’d rather not shave their arms: there are those who simply prefer the au naturel look, whilst others, inspired by the body positivity movement, have chosen to embrace their forearms and underarms in all of their natural, unshaven glory.
Whilst this is the case, lots of women are continuing to shave their arms, and there are plenty of men who have decided to follow suit, preferring both the feeling and aesthetic of soft, smooth skin to the more traditional, hairy look. Manscaping, it would appear, is here to stay.
Whether you decide that you want to shave your arms is ultimately down to whether or not you feel comfortable with having naturally hairy, unshaven arms. This is a decision that is purely cosmetic in nature, as opposed to one which concerns your health, and, as with many things in life, there is no right or wrong answer.
The following information may also help you decide whether you’d like to start shaving your arms.