lady using a cotton pad on the blotchy skin on her cheek

How To Get Rid Of Blotchy Skin

Blotchy skin can be a nuisance, and it can be difficult to know how to get rid of blotchy skin for good. However, NIVEA are here to help. Read on to discover NIVEA's advice on how to get rid of blotchy skin for a clean and refreshed skin tone.

What is blotchy skin?

Find out what blotchy skin is and what causes it.
lady holding her shoulder

What Is Blotchy Skin?

Skin that has blotchiness such as patches of skin that can differ in colour is often described as 'blotchy skin'. Blotchy skin on the face can come in the forms of red, white or slightly darker patches of skin. It can be alarming if it's your first time encountering blotchy skin.

Who Is At Risk of Blotchy Skin?

Blotchy skin can be related to genetics, inherited from parents and grandparents - facial flushing after drinking alcohol can also cause blotchy skin and can depend on your parentage and heritage. Some people can experience red, blotchy skin after drinking. 

Blotchy skin can also be caused by acne blemishes and acne scarring, which is why it is important to cleanse skin and establish a good skincare routine.

Causes of blotchy skin:

There are several things that can affect your skin and cause it to become blotchy:

  1. Sun Overexposure: One of the biggest causes of blotchy skin is from sun exposure. Sun exposure can lead to patches of very red blotchy skin on the face that can be sore and take a while to fade, leading to uneven skin tone. For sun causes, prevention is always better than working out how to get rid of the blotchy skin. When exposed to the sun, ensure you've protected yourself with a sunscreen with at least SPF 15 and a good UVA rating. You can explore the full range of NIVEA SUN products to help keep you safe here.
  2. Over-Exfoliating: It's important to remember when exfoliating not to do it too often or use an exfoliator that is very harsh on your skin, as this can cause micro-tears which will lead to your skin feeling sore, aggravated and blotchy. You should exfoliate with something that is gentle on your skin.
  3. Allergies: A common symptom of an allergy is red blotchy skin. Think about whether you have recently switched your laundry detergent or consider any changes you've made to your skin care routine as this could be causing this. If you do think you have an allergy you should visit your doctor as they can confirm this for you and offer you help.
  4. Extreme Weather Conditions: High winds, very hot weather, or very cold weather can cause your skin to become blotchy. This happens because your skin is reacting and trying to counterbalance the weather. If you find this is happening when it's windy you should cover your skin to protect it, if the weather is very hot you should seek shade and try to cool off, and if the weather is very cold you should find somewhere warm to gradually warm yourself up.
  5. Stress: Stress can present itself not just in your mental well-being but also as physical symptoms. Stress causes a chemical response in your body that actually makes your skin more reactive, so you may also notice your skin breaking out more when you feel stressed.

Skin Care Tips for Blotchy Skin

Is Blotchy Skin Permanent?

Blotchy skin from sun exposure or skin blemishes is easy to fix by ensuring you maintain a good skincare routine. Ensure you have your SPF and UVA protection on when exposed to the sun. Blotchy skin caused by environmental factors is easy to prevent or get rid of.

Blotchy skin caused by genetics can be harder to get rid of, but there are still ways to reduce it. Again, ensuring you have a good skincare routine is a good place to start, ensuring skin is well cleansed and hydrated each day, read our how to exfoliate guide and use NIVEA exfoliating scrub. Avoid triggers such as alcohol if you're prone to red blotchy skin due to alcohol consumption.

Skin Care Routine For Blotchy Skin

To help get the best start on getting rid of blotchy skin, make a habit of cleansing skin first thing in the morning and just before bed, followed by a moisturiser - if you're unsure on how to wash your face read our article.

Also, dead skin can cause blotchy skin to become more vivid, so ensure you use an exfoliator to remove any dead skin on the face. Careful not to over exfoliate the skin though, as this in turn can make skin red and sore.

How to get rid of blotchy skin

NIVEA's remedies and cover ups for blotchy skin
lady lying down with a face mask applied

Blotchy Skin Home Remedies

Face masks are a great place to start with a home remedy for blotchy skin. On our DIY Face Masks page, you will find 4 great face masks that provide the essential vitamins and minerals that help blotchy skin become soft and soothed. Providing key vitamins, such as vitamin A and E can help calm and soothe skin.
woman applying cream to her blotchy cheek with her eyes closed

Moisturise, Moisturise and Moisturise!

It is as to keep skin hydrated as it allows skin to heal. Moisturising lets skin maintain its natural balance, helps reduce excess sebum production and leave skin looking and feeling healthy and refreshed. Try using a day cream and night cream, such as from the Q10 range. Along with this, ensure skin maintain hydration by drinking enough water throughout the day. After you exfoliate to remove dirt and dead skin, use a light cream to help re-hydrate any essential oils that may also have been. 
lady stroking her blotchy skin

How To Get Rid Of Blotchy Skin

Blotchy skin can be a big pest, but there are some simple and great ways to help minimise it.

For those who want help for an even skin tone, try using a BB cream to provide skin become hydrated and help even skin tone. BB creams provide all the benefits of a moisturiser, whilst also helping to apply a light covering on the skin to help hide uneven skin tones. You can find out more about BB creams here.