Manscaping: body grooming for gentlemen
Since we evolved from scrambling around on all fours and began wearing clothes to keep us warm, much of male body hair has become obsolete. Subsequently, manscaping has risen in popularity, and in order to tame the fuzz, many modern day gentlemen are learning how to manscape.
It is a word we hear a lot, but how many of us actually know what the meaning of manscaping is? If you've ever found yourself wondering "What is manscaping?" or "How to manscape?". Then this article is for you. Manscaping essentially means male body grooming - removing or trimming bodily hair for cosmetic purposes. Most men revolve their manscaping routine around shower time as it is best to manscape when your body is clean of impurities - also warm water softens body hair which makes for easier grooming.
Now that you understand the manscaping meaning, it is important for you to understand the manscaping specifics. We like to divide these into the following regions: chest, back, armpits, arms & legs, above the neck (excluding the beard) and the genital area. Note that each individual males manscaping preferences are unique to him, there is no one-size fits all. Men will manscape differently depending on things such as: lifestyle, personal (or partner) preference and in general, just how furry they are.
Now that you understand the manscaping meaning, it is important for you to understand the manscaping specifics. We like to divide these into the following regions: chest, back, armpits, arms & legs, above the neck (excluding the beard) and the genital area. Note that each individual males manscaping preferences are unique to him, there is no one-size fits all. Men will manscape differently depending on things such as: lifestyle, personal (or partner) preference and in general, just how furry they are.
how to manscape
Some of us might notice as we get older that our nose, ears and eyebrows might appear a bit more bushy. If this this a case, and you want to tidy up we've got all the tips and tricks to get you looking sleek and smooth again.
Find out how to groom your beard here.