young woman using Nivea shower gel

Should you shower everyday?

Should you shower everyday, how long should a shower take, and is it better to shower in the morning?

Showering is a fundamental aspect of personal hygiene that most people engage in daily. For many, it's a ritual for cleanliness and also a moment of solitude and relaxation - but, how often should you shower? While to some the answer may be once per day at a minimum, there's more to it than meets the eye. 

Read on to explore the steps of bathing, the ideal duration for a shower, and essential tips for effective showering. By the end of this article, you'll have a clearer understanding of how to strike the right balance between cleanliness, self-care, and environmental responsibility.

young woman having a bath

Showering is not just about getting wet and scrubbing off dirt; it involves a series of essential steps that ensure thorough cleansing. Knowing how to shower can play a key part in determining how often you should shower.

The key steps include wetting your body and hair, lathering with soap, shower gel or lotion (and shampoo and/or conditioner for the hair), rinsing away the suds, and, of course, drying off. Each step plays a crucial role in the overall effectiveness of your shower, and looking into them in detail will help you master the art of bathing.

Another crucial factor to consider is selecting the right shower gel or cream. This choice can elevate your showering experience, making you feel not only clean and refreshed but also adequately moisturised and nourished. NIVEA provides a wide range of shower products tailored to various skin requirements and preferences, so you can easily find the perfect one for you today.

With all that said, striking a balance between cleanliness and water conservation is essential. Whether you're looking to save water or simply optimise your routine, understanding the ideal shower length is a crucial step toward a more sustainable lifestyle.

How many times a week should you shower?

Determining the ideal shower frequency can be a bit confusing. It's not a one-size-fits-all answer; it varies based on factors such as your lifestyle, the climate you live in, and your personal preferences. For instance, those living in hotter climates or who work physically demanding jobs are likely to shower more frequently than people living in colder climates and who work office jobs. 
young woman using Nivea Love shower gel

Should you shower every day?

While daily showers have been a societal norm for a long time, there are two key advantages to reconsidering your shower frequency:

One of the significant advantages is preserving your skin's natural oils. Daily showers can strip your skin of these essential oils, potentially leading to dryness, itchiness and irritation - especially in the colder winter months. By showering less often, you give your skin a chance to maintain its natural balance and stay healthier. 

Additionally, reducing shower frequency can help to conserve water usage and save you valuable time in your daily routine, allowing for more leisure or productivity.

Is it good to shower every day?

The question of whether daily showering is a healthy practice is one that often divides opinions. On one hand, proponents of daily showers argue that they are crucial for maintaining personal hygiene and feeling refreshed. They emphasise the immediate sense of cleanliness and the psychological boost that comes with a daily shower. 

Daily showers can wash away sweat, dirt and bacteria, reducing the risk of skin infections and body odour. Moreover, the sensation of warm water can have a relaxing effect, which may promote mental well-being, among other benefits. On the other hand, taking a cold shower can maximise these effects, helping you to feel refreshed and alert for the day ahead.

Critics of daily showers raise concerns about the potential downsides. They point out that showering daily can strip the skin of its natural oils, potentially leading to dryness and irritation. However, this effect can be reduced by either taking a cold shower every once in a while or by turning the water temperature down midway through your regular shower.

Excessive hot showers, however, may disrupt the skin's microbiome, potentially causing skin issues. Additionally, frequent showers consume more water and energy, which can be detrimental to the environment.

Ultimately, maintaining good personal hygiene is essential, but it doesn't always require daily showers. By striking a balance that aligns with your skin's needs and your lifestyle, you can ensure that your showering routine contributes to your overall health and well-being.

Facts Overview

Should you shower everyday?

What are the benefits of showering frequently? 
Showering frequently can help maintain personal hygiene, remove dirt and sweat, and provide a refreshing feeling.

Are there any benefits to not showering frequently? 
Not showering frequently may help preserve the skin's natural oils and microbiome, potentially reducing the risk of skin irritation.

Is it better to shower in the morning or at night?
Whether it's better to shower in the morning or at night depends on personal preference and lifestyle, with morning showers helping some people wake up and night showers aiding relaxation and sleep.

Are there any drawbacks to showering?
Drawbacks to showering may include skin dryness due to excessive hot water, water and energy consumption, and potential overuse of skincare products, which can lead to skin issues.

Nivea Miracle Garden Shower Gel

What happens if you don't shower every day?

Having explored the benefits of showering less frequently, it's essential to consider the potential consequences of infrequent showering. Skipping showers can lead to various outcomes: 

One of the more obvious being body odour, which can become more noticeable with less frequent showering. 

Potential skin issues, such as acne and inflammation can also arise. However, it's important to note that not everyone experiences the same effects, and there are strategies to mitigate these consequences while still showering less often, if that’s your preference.

One strategy is to use a moisturising body lotion immediately after your shower. Hot or warm water during your shower can leave your skin feeling dry, so it's important to replenish its moisture. For instance, the NIVEA Rich Nourishing Body Milk provides 48 hours of deep moisture, dry-out protection and a smooth skin feel without any greasy residue. Aside from that, NIVEA offers a variety of body lotions designed to nourish different skin types, ensuring your skin gets the care it deserves.

Is it better to shower in the morning or at night?

Beyond the frequency of showering, the timing of your showers can also impact your day and night. Should you shower in the morning to wake up and start your day with a fresh feel, or is a nighttime shower more relaxing and conducive to sleep?

- Showering in the morning will not only help you to feel refreshed, but will also allow you to wash off any bacteria or sweat that may have accumulated overnight. 

- By comparison, showering at night may help you to sleep better - especially if you live in a warmer climate. This is due to a combination of the warm water lowering your core temperature and the cooling effect of moisture evaporating after you towel off.

Whether you choose to shower first thing in the morning or before getting into bed is down to your own personal preference and lifestyle factors. There’s no definitive right or wrong choice. Each provides its own set of benefits, and some people choose both - but regardless of which you choose, how long should a shower take?

man using Nivea Men Active Clean Shower Gel

How long should a shower take?

The optimal duration for a shower can vary from person to person, but generally, a shower should ideally take around 5 minutes or less and no longer than 15 minutes. This time frame allows enough time to thoroughly clean the important parts of your body and hair without wasting excessive water or risking the negative effects of prolonged exposure to hot water.

How long you choose to take is down to your personal preference, but there are some important considerations:

  1. Water Conservation:
    It's essential to strike a balance between cleanliness and water conservation. Longer showers consume more water, which can be detrimental to the environment, especially in regions that experience water scarcity. Consider using a timer or a low-flow showerhead to help reduce water usage.

  2. Skin Health:
    Prolonged exposure to hot water may strip your skin of its natural oils, potentially leading to dryness and irritation. If you have sensitive skin, it's advisable to keep your showers shorter and use lukewarm water instead of hot.

  3. Hair Care:
    Depending on your hair type and its specific needs, you may not need to shampoo every time you shower. For instance, if your scalp is prone to dryness and flakiness, avoiding shampoo (or any other form of hair washing) for 2 - 3 days may help to keep the hair moisturised.

  4. Efficiency:
    To make the most of your shower time, have your soap, shampoo, and other shower products ready beforehand. This can help you stay on track and avoid unnecessary delays.


Maintaining good personal hygiene is essential, but it doesn't always require daily showers. There's no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to how often you should shower. The optimal shower frequency varies from person to person based on a range of factors, including your daily activities, climate, and personal preferences.

Whether you choose to shower daily or less frequently, remember that the key is to strike the right balance that keeps you feeling clean, refreshed, and environmentally responsible. Ultimately, your showering habits should cater to your individual needs, ensuring that you maintain personal hygiene while preserving your skin's health and taking steps towards a sustainable lifestyle.


How often should you shower?

Shower frequency varies based on factors like your lifestyle, climate, and personal preferences. Some shower daily, while others shower less frequently.

What are the key steps in a shower?

A complete shower involves wetting your body and hair, using soap or shower gel, rinsing off, and drying. Each step plays a role in effective cleansing.

How long should a shower take?

Ideally, a shower should last around 5 to 15 minutes. Longer showers consume more water and may strip your skin of natural oils.

Are there benefits to not showering every day?

Yes, less frequent showers can help preserve your skin's natural oils, save time, and conserve water. However, effects may vary among individuals.

What happens if you don't shower every day?

Skipping daily showers may lead to body odour and potential skin issues like acne. Strategies can mitigate these effects while showering less often.

Is daily showering healthy?

The debate over daily showers continues. Proponents argue they promote hygiene and refreshment, while critics cite potential skin issues and environmental concerns.

Is it better to shower in the morning or at night?

It depends on personal preference and lifestyle. Morning showers can help you wake up, while night showers may aid in better sleep in warmer climates.

How can I moisturise my skin after a shower?

Applying a moisturising body lotion, like NIVEA's Rich Nourishing Body Milk, immediately after your shower can help replenish lost moisture.

Can you shower too frequently?

Excessive showering can strip your skin of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Consider your skin type and climate when determining shower frequency.

Does hair need to be shampooed every time you shower?

It depends on your hair type. Some people may not need to shampoo every shower and can use conditioner instead.

How can I make my shower more eco-friendly?

You can reduce your environmental impact by taking shorter showers and using low-flow showerheads to conserve water.

Are there benefits to showering with cold water?

Cold showers can invigorate and promote circulation. However, they may not be suitable for everyone, especially in colder climates.

What's the impact of showering on the environment?

Frequent showers consume more water and energy, which can contribute to environmental issues. Being mindful of water usage is essential.

Can I use the same shower products year-round?

Consider adjusting your shower products based on seasonal changes and the needs of your skin and hair to maintain optimal hygiene and care.